Wednesday, August 17, 2011


ini angka keberuntungan dari masa lalu
masih menggema hingga saat ini
masih diingat olehku, kawan dan saudara
meskipun kami terus belajar menyerap maknanya

hingga saat ini, untuk mencapai,
angka keberuntungan baru
di masa ini dan mendatang

sebelumnya tgl 28 oktober 1928
sebelumnya ada lagi,
semuanya adalah napak tilas pendefinisian identitas bangsa

terus langgeng nilai luhur kita

Saturday, July 23, 2011

away from ilussion

when you doesn't know what is real and what is not
then you will lose the sense of what is right and wrong
i think its enough to know that the real one is the truth

and my intention is always doing good mostly for people whom i cared for
never hurt them
cause they are dear to my heart

Saturday, June 11, 2011


institution is hard manifestation
soul remain fluid
heart become home to those beloved